09/2024: Our paper on Riotee, an open-source hardware and software platform for the battery-free IoT, has been accepted at SenSys’24!
05/2024: Matthias is joining our group as a PhD student. Welcome!
04/2024: Our proposal for an MSCA Doctoral Network on embedded AI systems and applications will be funded by Horizon Europe.
03/2024: Bärbel is joining our group as team assistant. Welcome!
02/2024: Our position paper on The Batteryless Internet of Things, co-authored with amazing international experts in this area, has appeared in the Communications of the ACM.
01/2024: Max is joining our group as a PhD student. Welcome!
06/2023: Two papers accepted at EWSN’23! One on robust network orchestration and one on battery-free human activity recognition.
06/2023: Fabian has successfully (with summa cum laude) defended his PhD thesis on dependable wireless cyber-physical systems. Congratulations!
05/2023: Our paper on Hydra, a solution for fault-tolerant wireless networking, has received the IPSN 2023 Best Artifact Award!